Monday, June 4, 2012

US World War II history buffs 
had a weekend to enjoy reliving the 1940s in an event in Reading, PA:

World War II Weekend at the Mid-Atlantic Air Museum.

I have been to this event a couple times, 
with the men of the house going more frequently than myself. 


As the photos show, 
the event is not just about the military aspect of the war. 
It encompasses the way of life during the war. 

Personally, I get a kick out of the women's fashions.

And those who are not re-enactors,
but have first hand experiences to share
are a treasure soon lost.

It is fun to imagine life at another time...
like not having a delete key!

With plenty of vintage equipment rumbling around ....

and soaring overhead...

The photo ops are pretty much endless!

Click to view my complete album of this event.
 This event is held annually in the beginning of June.


Kathy said...

Your photos of this event are spectacular. I remember another time when you went (a couple of years ago?) and I loved those pics as well.

Dianne said...

the period dress is fantastic!
the woman all look so strong and classic
wonderful photos Rebecca

~JarieLyn~ said...

Great set of photos. I love the women's fashion. It's my favorite period of clothing.

EG CameraGirl said...

It interests me that people like to pretend to go back in time. It's sort of like being actors in a play, I would love to see it in person and take tons of photos.